Halloween is a festive day for children and adults alike. However, the abundance of candy and chocolate offered on and around Halloween can compromise diets designed to keep people healthy. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity prevalence in the United States was 20.7 percent among children between the ages of six and 11 and 22.2 percent among 12- to 19-yearolds from 2017 to 2020. That’s a significant concern for parents, even during a time of year when candy and other sugary foods take center stage.
An image of David Motley with his girlfriend, Melinda Bigham, who died in June this year, is being published in a travel-oriented magazine released by the newspaper The Fayette County Record.
October is kicking up the color and the fun over the next few weekends. North Plaza, the corner of Baylor and North Dallas streets, continues to be the site of all things Autumn.
Theatre Rocks! Second national playwriting contest, which drew over 100 entries, not only attracted a proven artist, director and actor to submit a script, his play will be performed on stage in Ennis during the next three weekends.
As with many celebrations, Halloween is steeped in traditions — many of which can be traced back quite some time. Since Halloween is believed to have originated from Celtic pagan, ancient Roman and early Christian events, its traditions are varied. The following is a deep look at some old traditions associated with Halloween.
It may be known as Autumn Daze now but the fall festival in Ennis was originally called “Autumn Days in Ennis.” The fun name “Autumn Daze” stems from a joke late ECVB secretary Paula Campo used to make about a what a whirlwind of activity the fall was. Some may not know that but we at the Ennis News remember it and her well.
Many women are concerned about the potential for developing breast cancer in their lifetimes. Breast cancer is the second- most common cancer among women in the United States and Canada. Despite that prevalence, there are ways for women to reduce their risk for breast cancer.