There are all kinds of people at my health club who use canes and walkers and crutches to get around; all kinds of people who wear braces and slings. Many
There are times when Life moves along at a pretty predictable pace--so much so that you get rocked into some sort of complacency about the goodness which surrounds you. When
Few people like negative surprises, save for those with a hankering for the sadistic in scary movies. In daily life we do all we can to avoid the unexpected. In
Don’t you hate October through February in Texas? Sure, it’s not hundreds of degrees outside with no wind, but seriously, relatively warm in the morning with temperatures falling to the
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This month the Memories page will be devoted to readers’ favorite stories on local veterans’ history. There was no military officer in sparkling uniform to step from a
“Do you have grandchildren?” I asked with a kind and lilting voice, after being introduced to my newest cousin (by marriage) when we gathered in Alabama for Thanksgiving. She and
My mother turned 81 on the day before Halloween. My brother and I took Mom to dinner last Saturday at a Mexican food restaurant in Burleson that had pretty good
We crossed into November on Friday. The eleventh of twelve months in the year 2019. Mercy, has the year flown by. It seems like only yesterday, 2019 dawned with the
A peach impediment. I tell you the entire divide the Democratic Party has chosen is making it very easy to side with the Republicans, and this is coming from someone