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A word about your opinion, “Nay to Mail-in Voting”

Sunday, August 30, 2020
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Dear Editor:

Contrary to your statement, “mail-in voting is the solution to the fears of catching the corona virus while at polling stations...,” Nay, it is only “a” solution; one of many.

There is a movement to make mail-in voting a permanent fixture in the voting process. And in fact, mail-in voting would provide one more step in the control of the virus. While voting “...takes just a few minutes,” it only takes one touch or one breath to catch the virus. The virus remains in the air and on surfaces for hours. After all, the virus could stay in the air, on the voting machine, in the booth, the air conditioning system and transferred by close proximity.

In respect to mail-in voter fraud, declaring fraud is White House hype and a hoax; there is no proof of any material fraud ever found, substantiated or proven. No one, but no one had ever provided evidence or proven that there is voting by illegals in this country.

The Post Master General has stated that the Post Office is well prepared to deal with the influx of mail-in voting. And speaking of hype, where did the 328million mailin ballots come from? America only has about 331 million in population; 247 million eligible to vote; only 153 million registered to vote and only 129 million voted in 2016.

And don’t forget, President Trump votes by mail. He loves the main-in voting system in Florida. It must be effective because five other tates have adopted mail-in voting: Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington and Utah; 34 other states are considering alternative voting methods. Armando Gaytan

Ennis, Texas
