Joe David Strunc, 67, passed away in Ennis, Texas on Sunday, March 15, 2020. Joe was born on December 20, 1952 to Miles and Dorothy (Patak) Strunc. He grew up in Ennis and graduated from St. John High School in 1971. On June 23, 1972 Joe married the love of
Bobbie L. White, age 75, went home to her Lord and Savior on Saturday, March 14, 2020. Bobbie was born in Ennis, Texas, on April 26, 1944, to Joseph Alfonzo and Ann Mae Perigo.
Shadow work is humiliating work, but without it we remain forever in the first half of life. Yes, “where you stumble, there lies your treasure.” As Joseph Campbell put it.
This installment of The Lazy Gardener will be a look back at the Bluebonnet Trails Festival of 1957. The old yellowed article in a scrapbook I was given by a reader of the Ennis Daily News some years ago caught my attention when I was thumbing through it lately.
Bees, birds and butterflies play integral roles in pollinating many of the crops humans rely on for sustenance. The National Pollinator Garden Network, through the National Wildlife Federation, recently launched the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge, an effort to increase the amount of nectar and pollen food sources as the organization aims to reverse the alarming decline of pollinators such as honey bees, native bees and monarch butterflies.
In order to protect the public from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the City is taking extraordinary measures to prevent the spread of this potentially devastating disease throughout our community. On March 13, the Governor of the State of Texas issued a proclamation certifying that COVID-19 poses an imminent threat of disaster in the state and declared a state of emergency for all counties in Texas.
Mesmerizing is the observation of a room full of dominoes, intricately aligned in a cleverly thought out plan, all leaning on one another as a cascading chain. And it all started with one, whose deliberate action set-in-motion a long string of orchestrated reactions.